The Space Enterprise Lab (SEL) is just one of fourteen Satellite Applications Catapult labs in the country. Located in the heart of BT’s Adastral Park the SEL brings communities together in a collaborative and innovative way, providing use of a large working space with full use of interactive touch screens and a virtual canvas with full connectivity capabilities.

Generous support for the SEL at Adastral Park come from the Satellite Applications Catapult,  Suffolk County Council, East Suffolk Council, BT, New Anglia LEP and Space East,.

It’s innovative and inclusive services facilitate the virtual delivery of meetings, business sprints, user engagement spark sessions and other services such as virtual whiteboards and built-in video conferencing, for everyone within the UK space sector to use.

By using it you can engage with others in the region and national space and obtain access to resources, virtual demonstrations and expertise. The room itself sits within the Ross Building, which offers smaller breakout areas too.


  • A 55 inch Clevertouch UX Pro Gen 2 Interactive Touchscreen TV Meeting Owl
  • Pro Conferencing Camera
  • 2 x Oculus Quest and 2 Virtual Reality Headsets

If you haven’t been to Adastral Park before, you should know that the SEL offers complimentary parking to its visitors and is just a short walk from the Adastral Hub Restaurant and Barista coffee facilities.

The SEL is easy to book, please complete the booking form below and best of all – did we mention that its absolutely FREE!?!

Interested in being involved in Space East?

Stuart Catchpole

Space Cluster Manager