Industry Cross-Over: Space and Nuclear

Posted on January 30, 2025

The Prepare for Space initiative has been created to help non-space entities enter the space sector and allow for the cross-fertilisation of ideas, innovations and technologies. While this opens up obvious connections between, for example, the aerospace and space sectors, there are many other less obvious connections between space and other industries. One such industry is nuclear, which can draw a number of parallels with the space sector.


The origins of both industries date back to the time of World War Two (WWII), the beginning of the Cold War, and the nuclear arms race. Both industries were accelerated by military spending and defence requirements following the dropping of the first atomic bomb (‘Little Boy’) on Hiroshima, Japan, at 8:15am on 6 August, 1945, by the USAAF B29 bomber, `Enola Gay.’

With the end of WWII, geopolitical tensions grew between power blocs in the East and West, leading to a nuclear arms race and, subsequently, an advancing of missile technology, which developed into the Space Race from 1955 and the launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, by the Soviet Union in 1957.

This Space Race between Cold War rivals, the Soviet Union and the United States, led to rapid advancements in space technology, having drawn from the ballistic missile-based nuclear arms race between the two nations following World War II.

As the space sector began to develop, nuclear research was also adding additional areas of focus alongside bomb technology to include naval propulsion and electricity generation.

From Military to Industry

Although both industry sectors had their origins in military / defence purposes, the following decades saw their remits grow to include civil and infrastructure purposes too.

For the space sector, this has seen the growth of communications, observation and navigational satellite technologies that have many terrestrial applications, including GPS systems used by vehicles and mobile devices.

From 1956, the main objective of the nuclear sector pivoted away from military applications and towards energy and the technological development of reliable nuclear power plants.

Despite the expanding of focus for both the nuclear and the space sectors, there remained competition between the East and West power blocs in both. This competition has increased further in recent years as other nations outside of the traditional competitors are developing their own space and nuclear industries.

Public Vs Private Sector?

The space and the nuclear sectors both tend to be supported by public sector investment, including in Britain with the UK Space Agency and the UK Atomic Energy Authority. This public sector oversight is also evident with the European Space Agency and national nuclear power initiatives across Europe.

However, there are many other nations, such as Japan, Peru, Saudi Arabia and Thailand, who are now investing in their own space programmes. Elsewhere, India’s Chandrayaan-3 lander and rover mission successfully landed on the Moon on 23 August 2023, making India the first nation to successfully land a spacecraft in the lunar South Pole region, and the fourth country to soft land on the Moon after the Soviet Union, the United States and China. The global public sector expansion of space is matched by a growth in the number of nations considering, planning, or implementing nuclear power programmes. Meanwhile, state-owned nuclear companies from Russia and China have been offering nuclear power plants to emerging nations.

Although the public sector remains integral to both space and nuclear programmes, both industries are also experiencing increased private sector interest. In space, this includes everything from high-profile businesses like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic to the 3,000 small businesses that deliver elements to the ESA space programme. Space collaboration has seen NASA working with industry and international partners on increasingly complex missions, while around 95% of commercial space programme growth is due to the launch of the Starlink satellite constellation, owned by Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

This growth in private investment is also emerging in the nuclear and fusion sectors, with over 35 private companies having raised over $2.4 billion to explore fusion concepts. The private fusion industry has grown quickly with varying levels of technology, strategy, and funding, mirroring the growth of private entrepreneurialism in the space sector.

Technology Needs

Because the nuclear and the space sectors share a number of technology needs, any solutions have the potential to cross from one industry to the other. These shared technology needs include:

  • Harsh Environments: Both industries have to cope with extreme temperatures and the effects of thermal cycling. In addition, the nuclear industry needs to assess structural changes caused by fusion and the impact of magnetic fields. The space sector also has to account for atomic oxygen and the need for parts to be lightweight. However, safety issues are also paramount in both sectors, with a requirement for assets to be able to be used safely over a number of years.
  • Radiation Shielding: Both industries need to account for radiation. In space, this requires shielding materials that are lightweight yet still offer a high performance to improve the lifetime of electronic equipment. Nuclear systems also require complex calculations for shielding and dosimetry. Of course, the main difference between space and nuclear is that the space sector needs to protect from radiation coming in from outside, while nuclear works to contain the radiation inside and prevent it getting out.

Technology Developments

The requirements of both sectors have led to a number of technology developments including advanced materials, technologies and automation, all of which have shown applications in both nuclear and space.

  • Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Alloys: Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloys have found applications in both space and nuclear. In the space sector, NASA’s alloy GRX-810 is an ODS alloy capable of withstanding temperatures in excess of 2,000⁰F while also being able to last over 1,000 times longer than other state-of-the-art alloys. While these alloys have found increasing use in space (and aerospace) applications, they have also crossed over into the nuclear industry, with Texas A&M University researchers demonstrating the superior performance of a new ODS alloy they developed for use in both fission and fusion reactors. The high radiation resistance of these alloys offers applications in both sectors.
  • Ceramics and Composites: Ceramics and ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are used in space applications, such as in the manufacture of lightweight turbine components that require less cooling air, such as vanes, blades, nozzles, and combustion liners, and parts for exhaust systems. Capable of withstanding temperatures as high as 1,600°C, CMCs are being considered to improve the performance and safety of nuclear fusion and fission reactors. Other materials used in the space industry include monolithic ceramic materials that have been used for mirrors, focal planes, optical benches and full structures in European space programmes for over 20 years. In nuclear, carbon-fibre reinforced composites have seen numerous improvements for use in experimental fusion reactors due to their high thermal conductivity, which dissipates the intense thermal flux generated by the plasma in a fusion reactor.
  • Additive Manufacturing: Additive manufacturing (AM) is being used in an increasing number of industries, including space where multi-million Euro contracts have been signed for the AM of satellite parts. There have also been investigations into using AM to build components in advanced nuclear reactors, with trials already underway across Europe, in the United States, and the Republic of Korea.
  • Automation and Robotics: The harsh environments associated with both sectors mean that automation and robotics are integral to both space and nuclear. The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the Satellite Applications Catapult have partnered to demonstrate how advanced remote handling and robotics technology, originally developed for fusion energy research, can be used to provide maintenance for in-orbit satellites. Robotic technologies are already being used to install and replace small equipment, such as exterior cameras, batteries, and electrical system components. In-orbit servicing has seen around $600 million of investment by start-ups in the past five years as it allows astronauts to spend more time doing scientific experiments instead of going on risky spacewalks. The nuclear industry also has a growing history of using remotely-operated and autonomous tools to inspect, maintain, upgrade and decommission assets.

Industry Trends and Challenges

The technology advancements sought by both sectors are driven by industry tends and challenges, such as miniaturisation, Net Zero, managing waste and debris, and the challenges associated with working in an international, geopolitical environment.

  • Miniaturisation: Both sectors have been researching miniaturisation, although for different reasons. In space, the aim is to reduce weight and optimise payloads so as to reduce costs. With nuclear there has been a rise in the development of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and microreactors in what is the largest expansion of nuclear power in around 70 years. This will allow for plants to be spread to different areas and aid grid adaptation. Such reactors could cross over to space, where they could power bases on the Moon, while nuclear technology could also cross over into space propulsion.
  • Net Zero: Achieving Net Zero goals and reducing emissions will involve the space and nuclear industries. Nuclear energy has the potential to replace fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions. The space sector also has a part to play, from satellites to monitor emissions to orbiting solar reflectors that redirect sunlight to solar farms on Earth, extending the day for solar energy production.
  • Waste and Debris: Both industries have a requirement to deal with waste and debris in a safe and clean manner. With more satellites being launched, there are challenges around space debris cluttering up Earth’s orbit, while there are plans to bring the International Space Station (ISS) back to Earth to be disposed of in the Pacific in 2031. Of course, the challenges around nuclear waste are well-known, with a need to decommission old assets, even as new power plants are being commissioned.
  • International Challenges: The nuclear and the space sectors face international challenges around supply chains, regulation and resources. Import barriers and export controls have increased costs for parts that are not available locally, while international markets – particularly in the space sector – will require international regulation. In addition, the global challenge of cleaner energy and resources could see international tensions rise in what has been described as a new Space Race. This could, for example, involve helium-3, which could be used for nuclear fusion. Space could become important in this as only about 0.0001 per cent of helium on Earth is helium-3, but on the Moon there may be a million tonnes of this resource.


Both sectors are driven by innovation tempered by safety. Space tends to look towards a collaborative learning environment among employees, without which many profound discoveries and scientific advances would not have been possible. The nuclear industry places emphasis on procedural safety and a rules-driven approach, which leaves less room for innovative risk-taking and experimentation than with the space sector.

For the nuclear industry, safety is a combination of preventing accidents and security, which prevents intentional acts to harm the facility or steal nuclear materials. For space, safety leans towards communicating issues, testing, and learning from mistakes and successes.

Direct Links

While we have discussed the cross-over between the space and nuclear sectors in terms of technologies, needs and challenges, there have also been instances of direct involvement between the two industries. This includes the similarities in terms of decommissioning needs and how space can learn from the nuclear industry and the potential to use nuclear microreactors to power space craft.

While there are differences between the two sectors, there are also a great many similarities that open up the potential for spin in and spin out between the space and nuclear industries.

Source: ESA

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