Advanced manufacturing and engineering SMEs in the East of England are set to receive funding and bespoke support through the Made Smarter Adoption East of England programme, which is to be overseen by Norfolk County Council

Posted on February 4, 2025

The £1.2m grant made available through an agreement with the Department for Business & Trade will support SME’s adoption and implementation of industrial digital technologies through impartial advice and guidance, a digital roadmap, and leadership and management development programmes to upskill the workforce.

Match-funded grants of up to £20k will also be made available for the adoption of new technologies in the financial year 2025-2026.

In the pilot year, it is estimated there will be 130+ engagements with businesses, 80 digital roadmaps completed, and 20-30 intensive support sessions of 10+ hours. Roughly 24 match-funded grants of up to £20k are expected to be awarded. Training cohorts will support around 20 senior business leaders with their vision for a digital manufacturing business; around 24 operational managers to adopt and implement industrial digital technologies; and 12 digital interns will be supported with matchmaking between regional universities and businesses.

Made Smarter is an Industry and Government partnership committed to realising the ambitions set out in the 2017 Made Smarter Review, namely how UK manufacturing industries can prosper through digital tools and innovation. It identified a range of benefits to the UK manufacturing sector over 2017-2027 from the improved adoption of Industrial Digital Technologies, including £455bn additional GVA; 30% productivity increase; 175,000 new jobs and a 4.5% reduction in C02 emissions.

Businesses from the East of England can register for this support which starts from the 1st April 2025 on the national Made Smarter Adoption Website

Cllr Fabian Eagle, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, said: “Manufacturing and engineering is one of the key sectors in Norfolk and the Made Smarter Adoption East of England programme closely aligns with the priorities set out in the Norfolk Economic Strategy.

“It also gives the county council the opportunity to lead a key, national and internationally significant programme dedicated to supporting the advanced manufacturing and engineering sector in the East of England and help establish and nurture an important strategic partnership with DBT for future opportunities.”

Following the recent integration of the New Anglia Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (NAAME) sector support programme into Norfolk County Council, Made Smarter Adoption has resulted from wider conversations with an East of England upper tier authority stakeholder group, working closely with the Department for Business Trade and Make UK.

The Made Smarter East of England Programme Board, tasked with monitoring the delivery of the programme, will consist of a private sector chair, industry representation and representatives from across the six upper tier authorities in the East of England: Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

NAAME Chair Jamie Thums MBE said: “The rollout of the Made Smarter Adoption programme in the East of England represents a pivotal moment for our manufacturing sector. It’s not just about adopting new technologies — it’s about empowering leaders to future-proof their businesses, drive productivity, and cultivate a culture of innovation.

“For manufacturers in our region, this initiative provides the tools and confidence to compete on a global stage while building a sustainable and skilled workforce for the future.”

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